Maintaining the integrity of our water supply is challenging to say the least. A continual intricate balance of surface water, groundwater, climate change, droughts and in many times, strict regulations governing the conservation of this precious resource, can seem in direct competition with corporate initiatives.
EARTHRES hydrogeologists and geologists keep the water supply in mind when designing and this keeps water usage and wastewater to a minimum. We make certain your manufacturing process will see favorable reductions in operating costs, while still keeping in compliance with federal regulations that protect our natural water resources.
We offer a full range of hydrogeologic and environmental services that can help meet your long-term goals while respecting the water supply.
── Hydrogeologic Services
From well siting to complex groundwater and surface water modeling, EARTHRES will assist you with our extensive hydrogeologic services:
- Aquifer Testing
- Groundwater Modeling
- Water Sourcing & Permitting
- Water Supply Development
- Water Supply Permitting
- Water Treatment
- Wastewater Treatment
── Process Control Engineering
- Process Control Engineering
- Water/Wastewater Engineering
- Process Control / Instrumentation
── Wetland Services
Our team can assist you with determining if wetlands are present and provide valuable input on how to manage these areas while maximizing site usage and advancing your project to completion.
- Wetland/Waterway
Let our talented team provide the innovative approach your project requires to get it permitted and realized while preserving local and regional aquifer water supply.