Environmental services
Keep focused on your business with EARTHRES environmental services. Our attentive team can complete due diligence activities to confirm compliance with applicable land use requirements, ordinances, environmental, health, and safety regulations and laws. In addition, let us evaluate alternative development solutions from both an economic and technical perspective, drawing from the experience of our multi-disciplined environmental and engineering professionals.
Secure your investment
Environmental services
We offer a full range of environmental investigation and remediation services including Phase I, Phase II and Phase III environmental site assessments (ESA) as well as UST, AST and bulk storage facility closures and RCRA & CERCLA investigations and reporting. Let our hydrogeologic team conduct geologic, hydrogeologic and hazard investigations to assess and mitigate groundwater or slope stability issues to keep your land development project moving forward.
Our services
Permitting. Monitoring. Compliance.
Reduce fines and project delays by keeping in compliance with the utilization of our regulatory services. Having a solid reputation with governing authorities for our proven due diligence and extensive regulatory knowledge, EARTHRES is able to provide results. Our scientists and engineers are experienced in completing multi-media permitting, developing and implementing environmental management systems, proposing plans, and assisting in all areas of regulatory interpretation and compliance. Our comprehensive permitting and regulatory services encompass the following:
- Environmental Program Audits, Due Diligence Assessments
- Database Solutions for EMS and Compliance Task Management
- Stormwater General and Industrial Permits and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
- Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting
- Emergency Planning and Right-to-Know Programs and Reporting
- Spill Prevention Control and Counter Measures Plans and Prevention Preparedness and Contingency plans (SPCC & PPC Plans)
- Air Quality Permit Applications
- Traditional and Renewable Energy Project Assessments
- Residual Waste Management and Beneficial Use Permits
- NPDES Permit Applications and Regulatory Agency Interfacing
See how we can further assist you with targeted compliance services for your unique application:
- Air Quality Permitting & Compliance
- Solid Waste Permitting
- Mine Permitting
- Energy Facilities Permitting
- Wetlands and Waterway Permitting
- Water & Wastewater Permitting
- Land Development Permitting
- Monitoring & Reporting
- Facilities Permitting
- Food & Beverage Permitting
Engineering and Compliance Services help to secure environmental integrity and maintain quality patient care.
Hospital facility management is complex and involves many sensitive environmental concerns. A daunting number of systems must meet precise environmental regulations. EARTHRES helps many Healthcare Facility Managers navigate these issues to optimize their facility compliance and performance.
Air Permitting and Compliance
- Air Quality Permitting
- Request for Determinations
- Plan Approval Applications
- Construction Permits
- Operating Permits
- General Permits
- Data Management and Recordkeeping
- Compliance Reporting
- Greenhouse Gas Reporting
- AIMS/Emission Statements
- NSPS/NESHAP Reporting
- Outdoor Ambient Air Quality Modeling
Fuel Storage Tank Compliance
- Coordinate Regulatory-Driven Tank Inspections
- Provide Reporting and Permitting Support for Fuel System Conversions
- Management of Tank Installation and Closure Processes
- Spill Prevention, Control and Contingency (SPCC) Planning
Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Compliance
- Biennial Hazardous Waste Reporting
- Tier II/CRTK Reporting
- Chemical Inventories and SDS Reviews
- Emergency Action Plan Development
Facility Operational Support Services
- Environmental Compliance Audits
- Stack Testing Support and Oversight
- Air Dispersion Modeling and Re-entrainment Analysis
- Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Strategies
- GHG Trend Analysis and Climate Disclosures
- Alternative Energy and Fuel Conversion Studies
- Energy Efficiency/Management
- Water Efficiency/Management
Civil and Structural Engineering
- Site Surveying, Land Development Planning, and Zoning
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Equipment Foundation and Frame Design
- Building Design
- New and Existing Structural Design and Modification
- Structural Inspections and Capacity Analysis of Existing Structures
- Finite Element Analysis
- 3D Modeling and Building Scanning
- As-Built Documentation
Process and Mechanical Engineering
- Cogen Systems
- Emergency Generator Specifications
- Water and Wastewater Treatment Design
- Medical Waste Management & Permitting
We have helped many hospitals navigate these complex environmental issues. Let us operate as an extension of your staff handling the complex and time-consuming environmental projects so you can keep your facility running at peak performance and efficiency for your patients.
EARTHRES knows permitting and compliance. We provide a wide array of environmental consulting services based on our in-depth environmental permitting and compliance knowledge and experience. Our quality of work and reputation with Local, State, and Federal regulatory authorities provides assurance of compliance with applicable land use requirements, ordinances, environmental, health, and safety regulations and laws.
Our scientists and engineers are experienced in completing multi-media permitting, developing and implementing environmental management systems, proposing plans, and assisting in all areas of regulatory interpretation and compliance.
Auditing & Assessments
- EHS Audits
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS) including ISO 14001 Development, Implementation, and Auditing
- Traditional and Renewable Energy Project Assessments
Planning & Management
- Database Solutions for EMS and Compliance Task Management
- Stormwater General and Industrial Permits, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plans and Prevention Preparedness and Contingency Plans (SPCC & PPC Plans)
- Emergency Response Management
- Pollution Prevention and Spill Response Training
- Hazardous Waste Management and Annual RCRA Training
- Regulatory Agency Interfacing
- Air Quality Permit Applications
- Water and Wastewater Permit Applications
- Stormwater Permitting
- Residual Waste Management and Beneficial Use Permits
- Wetlands Permitting
- Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Programs and Reporting
- Emergency Planning and Right-t0-Know Programs and Reporting
- NSPS Reporting
- Annual Emissions Inventory Reporting
- Compliance Reporting
Let EARTHRES support your project by helping to evaluate alternative solutions from both an economic and technical perspective.
Commitment to Sustainability
Sustainability of our environment’s resources should be at the forefront of every business. At EARTHRES, we are dedicated to providing designs and services that are safe, ethical, and maintain the delicate balance of our water supply, air quality, and ecosystem.
Social responsibility lies with all of us and we practice what we preach. Our corporate headquarters is a LEED® Silver certified office facility equipped with a state-of-the-art geothermal heating and cooling system, rainwater harvesting and reuse system, and onsite sewage treatment plant among other environmentally friendly features.
Commitment to Environment, Health, and Safety
Our commitment to the environment and public health and safety is demonstrated by our quality of work and reputation with regulatory agencies. Doing things right the first time results in the efficient processing of permit applications and our management systems help ensure that clients are in continual compliance with all applicable environmental, and health & safety regulations including:
- Clean Air Act (CAA)
- Clean Water Act (CWA)
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) – Hazardous Water Compliance
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
- Mining Safety and Health Act (MSHA)
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
The Challenge
EARTHRES, in prime partnership with two other firms, secured a contract for environmental services to be performed under the U.S. EPA 2010 Brownfields Assessment Grant given to the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation (LVEDC) for 2010 – 2013. Forty-four firms submitted proposals to implement the grant for LVEDC. In 2015, the contract was extended when LVEDC secured a second grant from the US EPA.
Under the contracts, EARTHRES has successfully completed Phase I All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) Environmental Site Assessments and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments for both small and large brownfield sites located in the Lehigh Valley. The work has included the preparation of Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs); site-specific Health and Safety Plans (HASPs), Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPSs); Remedial Investigation Work Plans (RIWP), Remedial Action Plans (RAPs); Cleanup Plans, and Remediation Bid Documents.
Brownfield Investigation and Development
Lehigh & Northampton Counties, Pennsylvania
The Solution
EARTHRES completed Phase I Environmental Assessments following the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E 1527-05 and E 1527-13 for Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), which satisfies the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) rule for commercial properties. EARTHRES completed all Site Investigations/Phase II ESAs in compliance with ASTM E 1903-11: Standard Practice for ESAs: Phase II ESA Process. Also, investigations were customized to comply with the requirements of the U.S. EPA and Pennsylvania’s Land Recycling Program (Act 2).
These investigations included obtaining surface soil samples, obtaining subsurface soil samples using a geoprobe, soil gas sampling, surface water gaging and sampling, installation and sampling of groundwater monitoring wells, and conducting hydrogeologic investigations requiring the installation of groundwater monitoring wells, hydraulic testing and groundwater modeling.
Geophysical methods such as Electromagnetic Magnetic (EM) surveys and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) were used to identify and locate underground storage tanks, piping and other structures prior to implementing subsurface investigations (i.e. installing test borings, test pits, soil gas probes and groundwater monitoring wells).
The Results
EARTHRES completed all necessary brownfield investigations and remedial activities to support LVEDC’s ongoing community revitalization initiatives.
Air Permitting and Compliance
- Air Quality Permitting
- Request for Determinations
- Plan Approval Applications
- Construction Permits
- Operating Permits
- General Permits
- Data Management and Recordkeeping
- Compliance Reporting
- Greenhouse Gas Reporting
- AIMS/Emission Statements
- NSPS/NESHAP Reporting
- Outdoor Ambient Air Quality Modeling
Fuel Storage Tank Compliance
- Coordinate Regulatory-Driven Tank Inspections
- Provide Reporting and Permitting Support for Fuel System Conversions
- Management of Tank Installation and Closure Processes
- Spill Prevention, Control and Contingency (SPCC) Planning
Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Compliance
- Biennial Hazardous Waste Reporting
- Tier II/CRTK Reporting
- Chemical Inventories and SDS Reviews
- Emergency Action Plan Development
Facility Operational Support Services
- Environmental Compliance Audits
- Stack Testing Support and Oversight
- Air Dispersion Modeling and Re-entrainment Analysis
- Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Strategies
- GHG Trend Analysis and Climate Disclosures
- Alternative Energy and Fuel Conversion Studies
- Energy Efficiency/Management
- Water Efficiency/Management
Civil and Structural Engineering
- Site Surveying, Land Development Planning, and Zoning
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Equipment Foundation and Frame Design
- Building Design
- New and Existing Structural Design and Modification
- Structural Inspections and Capacity Analysis of Existing Structures
- Finite Element Analysis
- 3D Modeling and Building Scanning
- As-Built Documentation
Process and Mechanical Engineering
- Cogen Systems
- Emergency Generator Specifications
- Water and Wastewater Treatment Design
- Medical Waste Management & Permitting
We have helped many hospitals navigate these complex environmental issues. Let us operate as an extension of your staff handling the complex and time-consuming environmental projects so you can keep your facility running at peak performance and efficiency for your patients.
We have the experience you need.
We take the stress out of our clients’ projects by managing all phases of the permitting process and keeping in line with environmental guidelines and FERC, EPA, OSHA, and State regulations, as required by project complexity and location. With comprehensive services that include geotechnical investigations, remote combustible gas monitoring, waste processing and disposal engineering, and mineral processing and frac sand sourcing, our trusted oil & gas market experience ensures our clients with successful projects in all market segments.
DPCC DCR Spill Plan
Our client needed EARTHRES to prepare a renewal of an existing DPCC DCR spill plan. This Discharge Prevention Control and Countermeasure and Discharge clean up and removal plan was required due to the greater than the 20,000-gallon storage capacity of hazardous materials as well as multiple oil storage locations.
Spring Water Resource Permitting in Exceptional Value Watershed
Conduct hydrological investigations in support of a new source spring water permit in an Exceptional Value Watershed area.
The Solution
Efforts included meetings with state regulatory agencies, aquifer testing, characterization of rainfall influence, surface and groundwater interaction assessment, wetland mapping and monitoring, groundwater quality assessment, FDA determination of spring water, statistical analysis of hydrological data, environmental audit of surrounding properties, and permit application preparation and submission to state and river basin commissions.
Talk to an expert
We have a team of experts ready to answer your energy market questions and help you get what you need.