Environmental Permitting
and Compliance
In-depth environmental permitting and compliance knowledge and experience.
Our quality of work and reputation with Local, State, and Federal regulatory authorities provides assurance of compliance with applicable land use requirements, ordinances, environmental, health, and safety regulations and laws.
Completed by experienced staff and all are directed by environmental professionals.
- EHS Audits, Due Diligence Assessments
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS) including ISO 14001 Development, Implementation, and Auditing
- Traditional and Renewable Energy Project Assessments
Our EARTHRES team will guide and manage your project from planning and investigation through to engineering and permitting.
- Database Solutions for EMS and Compliance Task Management
- Stormwater General and Industrial Permits, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plans and Prevention Preparedness and Contingency Plans (SPCC & PPC Plans)
- Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, PCB Management and Abatement Oversight
- Occupational Safety and Health Act Management
- Emergency Response Management
- Pollution Prevention and Spill Response Training
- Hazardous Waste Management and Annual RCRA Training
- Regulatory Agency Interfacing
EARTHRES has led comprehensive permitting acquisition and compliance strategies for a number of large, complex transportation, water, and energy infrastructure projects in each of our regions.
- Air Quality Permit Applications
- Water and Wastewater Permit Applications
- Stormwater Permitting
- Residual Waste Management and Beneficial Use Permits
- Wetlands Permitting
We regularly monitor projects throughout construction, collaborating with clients and contractors to provide worker education programs and detailed reporting. After construction is complete, we provide ongoing services to ensure compliance with permitting and monitoring requirements.
- Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Programs and Reporting
- Emergency Planning and Right-t0-Know Programs and Reporting
- NSPS Reporting
- Annual Emissions Inventory Reporting
- Compliance Reporting
Comprehensive Industrial
Environmental Compliance
The Project: Comprehensive Industrial Environmental Permitting
EARTHRES was contracted by the client to provide routine, general and on-call comprehensive industrial environmental compliance consulting services for their facility located in Mercer County, New Jersey.
To assist our client, EARTHRES routinely reviewed federal, state and local regulations for general environmental compliance as well as completed industrial compliance and permitting projects on various projects throughout the company.
Let EARTHRES support your project by helping to evaluate alternative solutions from both an economic and technical perspective.
Our scientists and engineers are experienced in completing multi-media permitting, developing and implementing environmental management systems, proposing plans, and assisting in all areas of regulatory interpretation and compliance.