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Naval Air Station Key West Coastal Restoration


The Project: Coastal Restoration & Revetment

📍Key West, Florida

The Challenge

Develop coastal restoration plans to restore the Naval Air Station (NAS) in Key West, Floria after a hurricane ripped through the area.  This extensive coastal restoration project would include conducting the necessary geotechnical evaluation and developing revetment designs.

The Solution

EARTHRES prepared the designs for multiple shoreline facilities located at Naval Air Station (NAS) Key West as part of a larger coastal restoration design/build project team.  Damaged by a recent hurricane, the coastal restoration project required the design and construction of rock revetments, concrete seawall, and replacement dock/boat ramp facilities.

EARTHRES prepared the work scope for the geotechnical evaluation and prepared the revetment designs for the prescribed areas. Design efforts included the performance of armor unit sizing and gradation calculations, preparation of grading plans and construction details, preparation of civil discipline technical specifications, and provided support for state and federal permitting efforts.

EARTHRES personnel attended project design review and construction progress meetings, assisted with identification and approval of suitable armor rock sources, provided training to contractor personnel for revetment construction methods, provided construction support services including assistance with materials quality control, submittal review, and verification of construction with design intent.

The Results

This coastal NAS facility is restored after coastal restoration and revetment.

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